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Cookie Policy

Our cookie policy includes a list of all the cookies used on our website, their types, and thorough descriptions. Focusing just on cookies that monitor user data also aids our users (you) in understanding how your data is gathered, processed, utilized, or transferred, as well as how long the cookies will be on your device.

When you use our website and web services, cookies authenticate you, keep your information secure, and improve your user experience.

User authentication: Cookies can be used for user authentication by remembering users' login details so they don't have to enter them each time they visit the website.

Personalization: To improve a user's learning experience, cookies can be used to remember the preferences and settings of the user, such as the preferred language or font size.

Analytics: Cookies can gather information about how visitors use a website, including which pages they visit and how long they spend on each. The website and the learning process can both be enhanced with the use of this data.

Advertising: Based on a user's interests and browser history, cookies can provide targeted advertising. This can aid in maintaining the website and offer users pertinent content.

We have tried to summarize our cookie policy concisely and straightforwardly on this page. Please see the detailed Privacy Policy here.