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RDP Division at CERRS

Research, Development, and Publication (RDP)

Hello, and thank you for visiting the research, development, and publication (RDP) division of CERRS. 

The RDP Division has been working with its mission of supporting researchers, scientists, editors, reviewers, and publishers by offering reasonable, detailed, on-time, and high-quality services for tasks related to research, development, and publication by combining cutting-edge AI technology with the knowledge of veteran researchers, peer reviewers, and industry experts to advance, promote, and equip the research community to hasten the advancement of sustainable development on a global scale.

Consequently, the RDP Division consists of many experienced researchers, peer reviewers, proofreaders, and editors for their hand-held assistance in serving our valued clients. CERRS, which has a premium membership to several AI platforms, can also employ such technology to offer its clients high-quality services. 

This division has the purpose of utilizing relevant essential skills and experiences to shape the career of millions of early-stage researchers by providing them with high-quality RDP supports, arranging and conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, webinars, sessions, lectures, and other events that are linked to RDP; and carrying R&D work in the fields of science, engineering, and technology, and to provide all sorts of relevant services.

Our near plans include publishing and promoting scholarly periodicals, journals, magazines, books, conference proceedings, and similar works about the science, engineering, and technology sectors. Regardless of where you are or your RDP requirements, we are excited to work with you and appreciate you for choosing us to be of service.

Our services at the RDP Division

Submitting a research article to a journal can be daunting, but ensuring your work is flawless and error-free before sending it off is crucial. This is where editing services come in.  Researchers and academics can choose from various editing services, from proofreading and technical term editing to reference management and publication support. 

For a successful publication, scientific and language editing services can improve clarity and readability, increase acceptance rates, boost journal rankings and citation potential, save time, and take ethical considerations into account. By spending money on these services, you can broaden the scope of your research and raise your chances of being published.

Language Editing

A critical part of the editing process, proofreading ensures that your work is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Even the most thorough writer occasionally overlooks errors in their writing, so getting a second set of eyes to review your essay can be very helpful. Also, proofreaders can offer input on the coherence and clarity of your writing, ensuring that your ideas are presented logically.

Scientific Editing

It might be challenging for readers to understand the technical terminology used in research articles. Editing technical terminology entails making complex concepts more transparent and easier to understand without compromising the accuracy of your research.  This can broaden the readership of your article and make it more approachable for those outside of your specific field.


While keeping the accuracy and sense of the original text, paraphrasing entails rephrasing content in your wording. This is vital when citing sources because it implies that you comprehend and express the information in your own words. In scholarly work, plagiarism is a severe infraction that paraphrasing can avoid

Citation check

Using citation check services, you can ensure that every source you've used to support your argument is accurate, complete, and relevant. This is significant in domains where research is developing quickly since using citations that are out-of-date or incomplete might make your work appear unreliable.

Reference Management

Although it might be time-consuming and tiresome, managing references is fundamental to scholarly publishing. We can organize your references, check their format appropriately, and create bibliographies in various styles. Using our service, you may save time and have confidence that your references are accurate and comprehensive.


Typesetting involves formatting your article for publication and making it readable and visually appealing. This can include adjusting margins, font sizes, line spacing, and inserting figures and tables. In addition to saving you time and effort in formatting your work, our typesetting services can help guarantee that your article complies with the requirements of the journal you are submitting it to.

Pre-Peer Review Support

When submitting your manuscript for peer review, ensure it complies with the author guides of the journal you are submitting to. Our pre-peer review assistance services offer feedback on the structure, literature, novelty, quality, scientific rigor, and presentation of your manuscript, supporting you in determining any areas that require improvements. Saving your time and effort during the revision process can expedite the peer review and increase your chances of acceptance.

Illustration Support

Including high-resolution graphics like graphs, charts, and schematic diagrams in your research article can let you effectively communicate complex concepts while enhancing the visual attractiveness of your work. Our illustration support services may assist you in creating illustrations of the finest quality that are pertinent to your research and can guarantee that they are adequately prepared for publishing. This can boost the significance of your research and the likelihood that it will be accepted for publication.

Image © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. 

Journal Recommendation

Choosing suitable journals and the best one to submit your manuscript for publication can be challenging. Our journal recommendation services guide which journals are ideal for your research based on scope, audience, and impact. This can help to ensure that your work reaches the right audience and can increase your chances of acceptance for publication.

Publication Support

Submitting an article to a journal can be a complex process involving multiple stages and requirements. Publication support services can help you navigate this process, guiding you through everything from selecting a journal to responding to reviewer feedback. This can help ensure that your article is accepted for publication and save you time and stress in submission.

In conclusion, editing services are an essential component of the research publication process, ensuring that your work is of the highest quality and meets the standards of the journal you are submitting to. From proofreading and technical term editing to pre-peer review and illustration support, a range of services is available to researchers and academics. By investing in these services, you can increase your chances of acceptance for publication, save time and effort in the submission process, and enhance the impact of your research.

List of Services the RDP Division currently provides:

Table A: Proofreading Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RPR001- RRPVResearch/Review Paper Proofreading
2RPR002-RFPVResearch/Fund/Grant Proposal Proofreading
3RPR003-RRBVResearch-related Book/Book Chapter/Related Materials Proofreading
4RPR004-RCLFProofreading Cover Letter for Journal/Conference Editor/Publisher
5RPR005-RPAFAbstract Proofreading
6RPR006-ORSCResearch-related Other (Unspecified) Document Proofreading

Service Order Link: 

Table B: Editing Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RED001- RRPVResearch/Review Paper Editing
2RED002-RFPVResearch/Fund/Grant Proposal Editing
3RED003-RRBVResearch-related Book/Book Chapter/Related Materials Editing
4RED004-RCLFEditing Cover Letter for Journal/Conference Editor/Publisher
5RED005-RPAFAbstract Editing
6RED006-ORSCResearch-related Other (Unspecified) Document Editing

Service Order Link:  

Table C: Writing Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RWR001-RCLFWriting Cover Letter for Journal/Conference Editor/Publisher
2RWR002-RPAFAbstract Writing
3RWR003-RPHFResearch Highlights Writing
4RWR004-ORSCResearch-related Other (Unspecified) Document Writing

Service Order Link: 

Table D: Plagiarism Checking Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RPC001- RRPFResearch/Review Paper Plagiarism Check (Originality Assessment)
2RPC002-RFPFResearch/Fund/Grant Proposal Plagiarism Check (Originality Assessment)
3RPC003-RRBFResearch-related Book/Chapter/Related Materials Plagiarism Check (Originality Assessment)
4RPC004-ORSCResearch-related Other (Unspecified) Document Plagiarism Check (Originality Assessment)

Service Order Link: 

Table E: Plagiarism Removal Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RPL001-RRPVResearch/Review Paper Plagiarism Removal (Originality Assurance)
2RPL002-RFPVResearch/Fund/Grant Proposal Plagiarism Removal (Originality Assurance)
3RPL003-RRBVResearch-related Book/Book Chapter/Related Materials Plagiarism Removal (Originality Assurance)
4RPL004-ORSCResearch-related Other (Unspecified) Document Plagiarism Removal (Originality Assurance)

Service Order Link:

Table F: Typesetting Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RTS001-RRPFResearch/Review Paper Typesetting for Your Desired Journal

Service Order Link: 

Table G: Formatting Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RFM001-RRLFFormatting References (Low: Less than 20)
2RFM002-RRMFFormatting References (Moderate: 20-50)
3RFM003-RRHFFormatting References (High: 51-100)
4RFM004-RRVFFormatting References (Very high: More than 100)

Service Order Link: 

Table H: Publication Support Services

No.Service CodeService Name
1RPS001-JRNFJournal Recommendation
2RPS002-SUBFPaper Submission to Your Desired Journal
3RPS003-PPRCPre-peer Review of Research/Review Paper before Submitting to Journal

Service Order Link: 

Table I: Illustration Support Services

No.Service CodeService NamePrice  
1RIS001-NUMCNumerical representation (chart/graph/table)Customized
2RIS002-CONCConcept representation (drawing/sketch)Customized
3RIS003-PROCProcess representation (flowchart/diagram)Customized
4RIS004-INFCSimplified information or data representation (Infographic)Customized

Service Order Link:

How to order our services

It's straightforward to start an order. Quickly check an instant quotation in our system and place your order immediately. This website gives our customers a road map to help them find precisely what they require when placing an order, whether buying a product or requesting a service. Before placing an order, you can view our services' prices, payment options, refund policies, and turnaround times.

Any order will automatically trigger an email notification to the customer. After placing an order, you may also find this information in the Client Dashboard. Additionally, he or she can occasionally track the progress of any order here. When your order is ready for delivery, a second email will be sent to you.

Please email us at if you have any questions or concerns. On the other hand, if our editors have any inquiries about your Order, one of our Customer Care Experts will contact you.

After delivery

Our relationship with you continues even after your order is delivered and you receive your files. Even after the delivery, we remain available to you. We respectfully request that you peruse the relevant document(s) before making any more requests or inquiries. If you require any adjustments, don't hesitate to contact us at within seven days of delivery. We would be happy to revise your document and assist you in increasing its effect. 

Once more, we appreciate you choosing CERRS to be of assistance.