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EECE Division at CERRS

Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering (EECE)

Welcome to the electrical, electronic, and communication engineering (EECE) division of CERRS. Our mission is to bring contemporary and innovative products and technologies in the electrical, electronic, and (tele)communication sectors through high-quality engineering to satisfy the demands of our clients by introducing novel approaches to deal with more complex challenges.

Consequently, the EECE Division has a team of highly skilled engineers and technicians dedicated to providing innovative solutions and technologies to the electrical, electronic, and communication engineering industry.

Regardless of where you are or your industrial needs, we are excited to work with you and appreciate you for choosing us to be of service.

Our Products

We offer various industry-premium products, including electrical, electronic, mechanical, telecom, networking, surveillance, and other innovative IoT products. Our products are designed with the latest technology and comply with industry standards, ensuring high-quality engineering. 

Our product range includes but is not limited to:


Our products come with several features that make them stand out from the competition. These features include, but are not limited to:

We provide customized solutions based on the client's needs, ensuring they get exactly what they require. Our products are cost-effective and innovative in design, offering the best value for money. We also provide reliable and durable products that last long and provide uninterrupted service.

Student Project Opportunities

At EECE Division, we believe in fostering the next generation of engineering professionals. We offer graduate and undergraduate student project opportunities for those in various engineering departments, including EEE, ETE, ECE, ICE, IT, and CSE departments. Our projects are designed to encourage innovation, creativity, and the application of practical engineering skills. We provide the necessary support and resources to ensure that students complete their projects, including access to cutting-edge technologies and guidance from our experienced engineering team.

We understand the importance of hands-on experience in the field of engineering. That's why we provide students with the necessary support and resources to ensure they complete their projects. Our experienced engineering team offers guidance and mentorship to students throughout their projects, providing valuable insights and expertise.

Our student projects cover a wide range of topics and areas of engineering, including IoT, robotics, machine learning, and more. We encourage students to come up with their project ideas and explore their interests and passions in engineering. Our team is always available to help students refine their ideas and to provide technical assistance and support.

We provide students access to cutting-edge technologies and tools to facilitate their projects. Our state-of-the-art facilities have the latest equipment and software, enabling students to work on their projects in a modern and innovative environment. We also offer resources such as literature, software, and hardware tools to assist students with their projects.

At the EECE Division, we are committed to providing students with an exceptional learning experience. Our student projects are designed to provide students with practical skills and experience to benefit them in their future careers. 

We believe in nurturing the next generation of engineering professionals and are proud to offer these opportunities to students.

E-learning Facilities

We provide e-learning facilities to cater to the educational needs of engineering students. Our courses cover various programming languages, including Python, C++, Java, and EEE & ECE laboratory course help. Our e-learning facilities are designed to be interactive and engaging and provide a hands-on learning experience for students. We believe that e-learning is essential for students to enhance their skills and prepare for their careers.

Our courses are taught by experienced instructors who deeply understand the industry's requirements. We provide students access to the latest technology and software, ensuring they learn the latest skills and techniques. Our courses are also designed to be flexible, and students can access the course materials at their convenience. We offer various e-learning courses, ranging from basic to advanced levels, ensuring something for everyone.

How to Join E-learning Courses

To join our e-learning courses, please visit our website and register for the course of your choice. Our courses are designed to be flexible, and students can start learning at their convenience. We provide access to course materials, online support, and regular assessments to ensure our students get the most out of our courses. We also offer certification upon course completion, ensuring our students have tangible proof of their newly acquired skills.

To get started, please follow these steps:

(1) Visit our website and browse our course offerings to find the one that best suits your needs.

(2) Register for the course by following the instructions provided on our website.

(3) Once registered, you will be given access to the course materials and online support.

(4) Learn at your own pace and use our regular assessments to track your progress.

(5) Once you have completed the course, you will be eligible to receive a certification demonstrating your mastery of the material.

At any point during your learning journey, our support team is available to help you with any questions or issues that may arise. We are committed to providing a high-quality e-learning experience that allows our students to achieve their goals and advance their careers.

Clients & Customers Benefits

Our clients and customers benefit from our products and services in several ways:

Our clients see us as a reliable partner for all their engineering needs. We work with our clients to understand their requirements and provide the best solutions. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, and our team is always available to assist our clients with any queries or concerns.

How to order our products 

It's straightforward to start an order. Please visit our online store or contact our sales team to place an order. Our sales team will guide you through the ordering process and assist you in choosing the best products based on your specific needs. They will also provide you with all the necessary information, including product details, pricing, and shipping information.  We understand that every client's needs are unique, and we strive to provide customized solutions that meet their requirements. 

***** We offer secure online payment options, ensuring our clients' safe and secure transactions. *****

You can quickly check the pricing in our system here and place your order right now. This website gives our customers a road map to help them find precisely what they require when placing an order, whether buying a product or requesting a service. Before placing an order, you can view our services' prices, payment options, refund policies, and turnaround times.

Any order will automatically trigger an email notification to the customer. After placing an order, you may also find this information in the Client Dashboard. Additionally, he or she can occasionally track the progress of any order here. When your order is ready for delivery, a second email will be sent to you.

Please email us at if you have any questions or concerns. On the other hand, if our editors have any inquiries about your Order, one of our Customer Care Experts will contact you.

After delivery

Even after your order is delivered and you receive your products, our relationship with you is still ongoing. Even after the delivery, we remain available to you. If you have any issues, please get in touch with us at within two days of delivery. 

Contact Us 

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us via email, phone, or through our website. Our customer service team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or concerns.

You can also find us on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn pages and send us a message. Besides, if you want us to call you, leave your phone number in the form and ask us to do so. One of our customer service management team members will contact you within 12 hours between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (GMT+06:00). If this does not correspond to your availability, please fill out the online form on our contact page, and we will email you within 12 hours. An online form to contact us can be found here

Once more, we appreciate you choosing CERRS to be of assistance.