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Terms & Conditions

Last Update: March 6, 2023
Effective Date: March 7, 2023

Welcome to our "Terms & Conditions" page! We are delighted to have you here as you embark on a journey through the legal framework that governs the use of our services and products. Your presence on this page signifies your commitment to responsible and transparent engagement with our offerings.

At CERRS, we believe in creating a secure and respectful environment for all users. Our Terms and Conditions (Ts&Cs) outline rights and responsibilities for both parties – you, our valued user, and us, dedicated providers of exceptional services and products. Here, you will find vital information about terms of use, privacy policies, intellectual property rights, disclaimers, and more. We hope this page not only clarifies legal aspects but also deepens your understanding of the principles of our relationship.

The usage of this website is subject to the Ts&Cs listed below. Please look over them carefully and by using our site, you agree to be bound by these Ts&Cs. However, use the website only if you agree with our Ts&Cs. Also note that these Ts&Cs contain provisions that may limit your rights, such as under section 8 entitled, Responsibility & Warranty Disclaimer. We encourage you to read these Ts&Cs thoroughly to interact harmoniously with our offerings. If you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to reach out to our support team at Your feedback fuels our growth.

List of Our Terms & Conditions
Details of Our Terms & Conditions

Click on a specific section below to expand or collapse its subsections.

1.1. Acceptance of Terms and Access

Our esteemed clients (also referred to as customers, buyers, users, you, or yours) agree to be bound by our Terms & Conditions by accessing or using this website of CERRS Ltd. (henceforth also referred to as the company, CERRS, we, us, or our). The services/products/online courses provided by Us are made available and accessible via this website.

Furthermore, when you order any future service, buy any future product, or enroll in an online course in the future, you will also be subject to the guidelines and conditions applicable to such service, product, or online course.

1.2. Means of Communication

You are contacting us electronically when you use or send us emails. You give us permission to communicate with you online. Email or website notices will be the primary means of communication between us and you. You acknowledge that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we transmit to you electronically comply with all applicable legal requirements for written communications, including all legal notices and disclosures.

1.3. Lawful Usage and Conduct

By using our site, you agree to use it in a lawful manner and not to engage in any conduct that could damage, disable, or impair our site or interfere with other users' access to it.

1.4. Prohibited Use

You ensure that you are not using any computerized technologies e.g., robots, spiders or other automated devices or manual processes to monitor or copy content from the website.

2.1. Account Creation and Access

You are required to register on our platform to create an account to access certain features of our site. New clients can register here to place an order for our services and products or to enroll in our online courses.

2.2. Age Limit for Registration

The age limit for registering with our websites and using online services is usually 18 years old in most countries. However, some countries, such as those in the European Union (EU), Argentina, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and Malaysia, have laws that allow for a lower age limit of 16 years. The specific age limit for online services may vary depending on the laws and regulations of each country.

2.3. Acceptance of Our Policies

You must ensure that you have read our Privacy Policy and Return & Refund Policy prior to registration to understand how we will collect, store, manage, process, and protect your data and order; since our policies form part of our Ts&Cs.

2.4. Accurate and Complete Information

You must make sure the information, such as your name, profession, country, institutional details, email address, etc., you entered during registration is accurate, complete, true, and up-to-date. Sometimes we can ask you for additional information.

2.5. Confirmation and Account Activation

After registering on our website, an email with a confirmation link will be issued to you from to confirm your account.

2.6. Client Dashboard Access and Account Updates

By accessing our Client Dashboard (exclusively available to registered clients) on our website, you have the ability to revise your account's profile details. This includes managing your currency preferences and providing shipping information for the delivery of physical products.

2.7. Password Security and Responsibility

You should not share/reveal your login password with/to anybody because you are responsible for keeping your password secure and confidential. You are solely and fully responsible for all activities and orders that occur or are submitted under your password or account, whether or not you have authorized such activities or actions. CERRS cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to maintain the security of your account and password.

2.8. Updating Password

If you are aware of or have reason to suspect that someone else knows your login password, kindly ensure to update your current password with a new one. This can be done through the "Update Login Password" section located within the "Account Setting" module on Client Dashboard. You may notify us about any abuse by contacting us at

2.9. Security Breach and Account Suspension

If we find any reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse, we may temporarily suspend your account.

2.10. Account Deletion

You have the right to delete your account with us at any time without stating any reasons by accessing the "Delete User Account" section located within the "Account Setting" module on Client Dashboard.

On deletion of your account, (1) your account will be removed from our site, (2) you will not be able to take our services, (3) you will be unsubscribed from our Newsletter and will receive no emails from us, and (4) you will not be able to use the email associated with your account with us again.

3.1. Definition of 'Our Service'

Any services or information offered by the Company’s owners, team members, employees, or through the website ( shall be known as ‘Our Service’.

3.2. Service "As Is"

You understand and accept that the Service is provided ‘as is’ and that the Company is not liable or responsible for the reliability or availability of the Service.

3.3. Service Quality

Every article you see has multiple people behind it, continually working to make sure that it is responsible, accurate, understandable, helpful, and reflective of our editorial principles.

Our editorial team approves all story ideas independently, and our expert contributors each have deep subject matter expertise in the topics that we assign them. Our team of professional editors, fact-checkers, and producers review content to ensure it upholds our values of being empowering, inclusive, unbiased, and accurate.

Your editor will provide critical commentary on your document, offering suggestions to improve both the writing and the content. You not only get a better document, but you can also learn how to improve your own writing.

CERRS routinely performs quality assurance checks on documents to ensure that the editing and proofreading are of high quality. These provide extensive information about meeting quality standards, noting errors, and suggesting areas for improvement. We provide full transparency in terms of our scoring system and methods of evaluation.

3.4. Timeliness

Punctuality or being consistent on time, or even early can incredibly set our clients apart from the crowd and help them reach their goals quicker.

3.5. Ethics

All staff are responsible for disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

We never disclose our client’s details, except a client ID number if it needs to display. We are committed to following the Codes of Ethics of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW). Our content is guided by and upholds the Society for Professional Journalists’ foundations of ethical journalism: being accurate and fair, minimizing harm, acting independently, and being accountable and transparent. We also uphold the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines on disclosures, where applicable.

3.6. Modification and Discontinuation

The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue any product or service with or without notification.

3.7. Confidentiality of Submitted Work

Any work or file submitted to us is kept confidential and remains your intellectual property.

3.8. Ownership of Submitted Work

The Company, its team members including the proofreaders, editors, writers, reviewers, translators, etc., or any sort of company personnel will never make claims of ownership on any work or file submitted by you for language editing and related services provided from the LPRS and RDP Divisions of the Company.

3.9. Content Submission Agreement

When you submit file(s) using the Client Dashboard of this website, you agree and guarantee that the submitted file(s) including documents, papers, images, figures, tables, data, etc., is/are not containing any illegal, sexually explicit, threatening, abusive, defamatory, racially or otherwise offensive material, or any content which could lead to legal action against the Company and/or tarnish our public image and reputation.

3.10. Provision of Additional Materials

The Company has the right to request further materials from you in order to complete the work efficiently. For example, asking for the provision of data, tables, figures, or graphs as necessary.

3.11. Refusal of Service

We have the right to refuse to provide the Service for any files containing such materials as described in Subsection 3.9.

3.10. Backup Responsibility

The Company is not responsible for making backups or any archive copies of files submitted by you and is not, under any circumstances, responsible to you or any other person for any loss, corruption or alteration of such files.

3.13. Source Attribution Responsibility

Though we use previously available information to paraphrase or edit any document’s language, the authors of that document—that is, our clients—are solely responsible for properly citing such sources.

3.14. Completed Paper Delivery

Your completed paper will be returned in the file format it was received in via our website and supported by an email notification. Your completed paper can also be returned in the file format that the editor deems suitable.

4.1. Professional Service and Timely Completion

The Company agrees to carry out the Service requested in a professional manner, in the timeframe specified during the initial order (Track Your Order here), while taking into consideration any additional instructions given by you with regard to the work to be carried out.

4.2. Occasional Delay and Completion Date Extension

If materials are not received promptly on request, the completion date for any work will be extended by the number of days it takes for these materials to arrive (e.g. if figures are requested for a paper and these do not arrive for two days, we will add two days onto the completion date you were originally provided with).

4.3. Additional Modifications and Charges

Any additional modifications/amendments/additions requested by you, after the initial order for the Service has been placed, may be subject to an additional charge or to extension of the completion date.

4.4. Communication of Additional Charges

Such additional charges or delivery date extensions will be communicated by Us via Email ( within one working day of receiving the necessary materials to continue with the work.

4.5. Responsibility for Accurate Submissions

Clients should take care to upload the correct files, and be sure of their intentions for us to carry out the Service when submitting their files, as costs will be incurred and payable by them.

5.1. Pricing Information Access

Information about pricing can be accessed on the Pricing page of our website. Additionally, details about pricing can be found on the bill voucher when you request a customized quotation for ordering our services.

For services with variable pricing, the service cost will fluctuate depending on the word count of your paper and the chosen turnaround time for service delivery.

5.2. Payment Upfront

If you have selected payment upfront, you will be provided with the complete paper upon completion of the editing process via an automated email notification.

5.3. Payment in Installments

When you choose to order a tailored service, the payment will be divided into installments. An initial partial amount is agreed upon and determined jointly by both parties—the company and the client.

Upon order completion and your confirmation of the sample's quality, the remaining balance, as determined by the Company, must be settled within three working days.

You will receive the finalized document once full payment is received.

5.4. Payment Notification

While placing an order, you will receive a notification indicating the accurate amount to check before proceeding. Following a successful payment, a confirmation email will be sent to confirm your transaction.

5.5. Bank Transfer Fees

Please note that payments made by bank transfer are subject to additional fees (if any) which must be paid by you at the time the payment transaction is made.

5.6. Applicable VAT

In cases where a service attracts VAT, if applicable, the payment for VAT will be made by you during the checkout process. Typically, we do not furnish VAT certificates. However, upon request, we can furnish you with the payment details pertaining to VAT (Service tax imposed by the Government of Bangladesh).

5.7. Payment Obligation and Liability

To place an order, you agree to pay in full the amount invoiced by the Company for the Service ordered.

All debts and fees must be paid before cancellation can take effect. Termination of your account does not affect your liability or obligations under the Terms.

5.8. Non-Compliance with Payment Requests

Any failure to comply with a request for payment could lead to further charges and/or the initiation of legal proceedings.

5.9. Withdrawal of Work for Customized Services

For a customized service, should you withdraw any work from us, for any reason, following the initial order, then you will be liable to pay for any work carried out up to the time/day when this work was withdrawn. You will be advised of any charges incurred at this time.

5.10. Changes to Fees and Charges

Enrollment in any of our online courses or the purchase of our services or products through our site signifies your acceptance to cover all fees and charges related to these enrollments or purchases. We retain the authority to modify our fees and charges at our discretion

6.1. Service Evolution and Changes

We’re always trying to improve the Services, so they may change over time. We may suspend or discontinue any part of the Services, or we may introduce new features or impose limits on certain features or restrict access to parts or all of the Services. We’ll try to give you notice when we make a material change to the Services that would adversely affect you, but this isn’t always practical. Similarly, we reserve the right to remove any Content from the Services at any time, for any reason (including, but not limited to, if someone alleges you contributed that Content in violation of these Terms), in our sole discretion, and without notice.

6.2. Free Second Round of Editing

You are entitled to a free second round of editing on the same document within a mutually convenient timeframe if you are not completely satisfied with the services provided by us.

However, any changes requested at this point that were not included in the initial purchase (such as text additions or deletions, or failure to address editor complaints) can incur an extra fee.

6.3. Additional Adjustments

If CERRS finds that the allegation is unsubstantiated and that any issues are not CERRS' fault, any additional adjustments may once again cost fees.

6.4. Complaint Submission

Any additional complaints about the service received by you should first be sent through email to:

6.5. Response and Resolution

Every complaint will receive a response from CERRS within one working day, in which we will acknowledge your communication, explain the steps we'll take to look into it, and estimate when it will be resolved.

6.6. Document Changes after Delivery

If any document is changed to any extent after a delivery from CERRS or a reception by the client, the re-submission or request to re-edit the document will not be handled.

7.1. Jurisdiction and Compliance

The laws of the jurisdiction in which "CERRS Ltd." is incorporated and operates shall govern these Terms & Conditions. Both CERRS and you must comply with all applicable laws, including those related to online conduct, intellectual property, privacy, and data protection.

7.2. Legal Obligations and Venue

Both CERRS and you will have a legal obligation to follow the laws that apply to this agreement.

Any legal disputes arising from these Terms & Conditions shall be exclusively resolved in the competent courts located within the jurisdiction of "CERRS Ltd's" incorporation and registered office.

7.3. Applicable Laws

The laws of the country from which you access or use the website shall also apply to the services, products, and online courses provided by "CERRS Ltd". The Bangladeshi Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act of 2006 and the Telecom Act of 2001 will both be applied to all matters connected to the use of the site, including any disputes.

7.4. Territorial Compliance

Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with local laws when accessing the website from territories where its content is deemed illegal.

8.1. Site Use and Liability

Our site is provided "as is" without any warranties, express or implied. We do not guarantee that our site will be error-free or that it will meet your requirements. Consequently, we are not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from your use of our site. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, or losses arising out of your use of our site or any violation of these terms and conditions.

8.2. Service Disclaimer

We are offering our services based on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You expressly agree that the use of this site is at your own risk. CERRS hereby disclaims all warranties, including, but not limited to, the warranty of title, merchantability, non-infringement of third parties’ rights, and fitness for a particular purpose.

8.3. Information Accuracy

The Company makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the information provided herein, the items listed, or the accuracy or completeness of the data.

8.4. Service Quality and Content
You understand and agree that CERRS does not examine the content of papers given to it and ensure the caliber, accuracy, or success of the services.

8.5. Limitation of Liability

The company shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use, delivery, license, performance, or nonperformance of services, including certificates and digital signatures, as outlined in this Agreement. Additionally, the total liability of the Company for claims arising from your use or inability to use the Service will never exceed the fees paid under this agreement in the year preceding the claim's occurrence.

9.1. Right to Modify Terms

Whenever, with or without prior notice, we reserve the right to modify, add, or remove any portion of these Ts&Cs.

9.2. Effective Date of Modifications

Unless we explicitly state otherwise, the modifications only apply to your use of the Service following the modification date (update).

9.3. Acceptance of Modified Terms

Your continued use of our site after any such modifications shall constitute your acceptance of the modified terms.

9.4. Regular Review

Please review these terms and conditions frequently for updates.

10.1. All Rights Reserved

We reserve All Rights of this site (, designed, developed, and maintained by the ADCE Division of CERRS. All content on our site, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and graphics, is the property of our company. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way any material from this site without our prior written permission. Unauthorized use of any portion of this site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.

10.2. Hypertext Link Disclaimer

Any hypertext link to our website on your own site does not imply or state any endorsement or sponsorship of your site by Us.

10.3. Copyright Ownership and Usage

You retain copyright over materials submitted to CERRS, since we only require the fees specified in the different service sections on the website as compensation for the work completed. While providing our services, we refrain from claiming ownership of the content and utilizing or revealing it for any purpose beyond fulfilling our core business activities.

Thank you for choosing CERRS and reviewing our terms and conditions.

Your trust drives our commitment to excellence. We look forward to a fruitful and respectful partnership ahead. If you have any inquiries, comments, or concerns about the above terms and conditions, we encourage you to look through these webpages: FAQs and Help to see whether we have previously addressed them. If not, kindly use our online Contact Form to contact us.

We anticipate hearing from you.

Best regards,
The CERRS Team