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Our Research and Publications

At CERRS, our research and publications fall within the Research, Development, and Publication (RDP) Division. We are committed to advancing knowledge and finding solutions to global challenges through our research efforts. Our team of researchers comes from diverse backgrounds, possessing a wide range of expertise and experience in various disciplines, including but not limited to electrical and electronic engineering, materials science and engineering, computational physics, computer science and engineering, civil and structural engineering, environmental studies, and energy-related fields.

Our research is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and innovative, and our goal is to produce outcomes that significantly impact society. To achieve this, we invest in state-of-the-art lab facilities, advanced software and tools, and subscriptions to various databases, journals, and other resources that support our efforts.

We are committed to promoting a collaborative research environment that fosters knowledge sharing, idea generation, and problem-solving. We encourage our researchers to collaborate across disciplines and work together to solve complex research problems.

On this page, you can learn more about our research lab, the Energy Lab, our research fields, our researchers, lab facilities, research collaborations, and our researchers' publications. We invite you to explore our research activities and outcomes and learn more about our contribution to advancing knowledge in various fields.

Energy Lab 

One of our flagship research labs is the Energy Lab, where we focus on developing sustainable and renewable energy solutions. Our team of experts conducts cutting-edge research and works on projects that address the world's energy needs. Our lab focuses on developing and optimizing energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy systems, and energy storage solutions. Our research in this field aims to contribute to reducing the carbon footprint and creating a sustainable future.

Our Fields of Research

We work on research projects addressing global community challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, health, and innovation. Our interdisciplinary approach enables us to bring different perspectives to solve complex problems. We have a wide range of research areas, including but not limited to:

Our Researchers

We have a team of dedicated researchers who are passionate about their fields and committed to making a positive impact through their work. Our researchers, as mentioned below, have diverse backgrounds and experiences, and they bring their unique skills to the table to tackle complex research problems:

No.Full NameShort NameArea of Interest
1.Md. Mahabub Alam Moon M.M.A. MoonOptoelectronics, Computational Physics, Energy Materials, Solar Cells
2.Md Golam RabbiM.G. RabbiCivil Construction, Structural Engineering, Waste Management
3.Md. Mamun Ur RashidM.M.U. RashidRenewable Energy Technologies, Photovoltaics, Energy Economics
4.Sayed Rezwanul Islam BiplabS.R.I. BiplabCognitive Radio Networks, Massive MIMO, Solar Photovoltaics

Lab Facilities

Our lab is designed to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among our researchers, enabling them to work together to solve complex research problems. While we cannot list all our lab facilities here, some of the notable ones include:

Software and Tools: Our lab facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art software and tools that enable us to research at the cutting edge of our fields. We use specialized software and tools to analyze data, model complex systems, and simulate experiments. Our lab is continually updated and upgraded to ensure that our researchers have access to the latest technology and resources.

Subscriptions: We have subscriptions to several databases, journals, and other resources to support our research efforts. Our subscriptions provide access to the latest research findings and publications, enabling us to stay up-to-date with developments in our fields. 

Advanced Audio and Video Conferencing Equipment for Remote Collaboration: At CERRS, we understand the importance of remote collaboration, especially in today's interconnected world. CERRS has equipped its lab with advanced audio and video conferencing equipment to facilitate remote collaboration among researchers. The equipment includes high-quality microphones, speakers, cameras, and on-demand video conferencing tools like screen and app sharing, meeting recordings, and chat features. This technology allows for clear communication and real-time sharing of data and materials, enabling effective collaboration among geographically dispersed researchers. The benefits of remote collaboration include reduced travel costs, increased flexibility, and access to experts from different locations. CERRS invests in paid plans for Google Meet and Zoom to maximize the benefits of remote collaboration.

Research Collaboration

We believe in collaborating with researchers and institutions globally to advance research efforts and foster knowledge exchange. We have collaborations with renowned universities and research institutions worldwide. Our collaborations enable us to access new research opportunities, expand our research capabilities, and foster knowledge exchange. We believe that through collaboration, we can accelerate our research efforts and make a more significant impact on global challenges.

Our Researchers' Publications

We take pride in our researchers' contributions to the academic community. Our researchers have published their work in top-tier journals, conferences, and other publications. We regularly update our publications page that showcases our latest research outputs, including papers, books, and other publications. Sharing our research outcomes with the broader academic community is critical to promoting knowledge exchange and driving innovation.

List of Publications (International, Peer-reviewed Journal Articles)


1. F. Kherrat, L. Dehimi, H. Bencherif, M.M.A. Moon, M.K. Hossain, N.A. Sonmez, T. Ataser, Z. Messai, S. Özçelik, Performance enhancement of eco-friendly Cs3Sb2I9-based perovskite solar cell employing Nb2O5 and CuI as efficient charge transport layers. Micro and Nanostructures 183, 207676, 2023. (Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.United Kingdom.

2. M.M.A. Moon, S.R.I. Biplab, M.H. Ali, M.F. Rahman, M.S. Rana, A. Kuddus, Computational Investigation of Zn-based Single Buffer Layers Toward Cd-free High-efficiency CIGS Thin Film Solar Cells. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 26(12), 1799-1808, 2023. (Publisher: Tamkang University Press) Taiwan

3. M.F. Rahman, N. Mahmud, I. Alam, M.H. Ali, M.M.A. Moon, A. Kuddus, G.F.I. Toki, M.H.K. Rubel, M.A.A. Asad, M.K. Hossain, Design of High-efficiency Cd-free CIGS Thin Film Solar Cells with Zn (Se, S:In) Buffer Layers by SCAPS-1D. AIP Advances 13, 045309, 2023. (Publisher: AIP Publishing) United States


1. M.F. Rahman, M.M.A. Moon, M.K. Hossain, M.H. Ali, M.D. Haque, A. Kuddus, J. Hossain, A.B.M. Ismail, Concurrent investigation of antimony chalcogenide (Sb2Se3 and Sb2S3)-based solar cells with a potential WS2 electron transport layer. Heliyon 8(12), E12034, 2022. (Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. & Cell Press) United States.

2. M.G. Rabbi, Comparison of Axial Load on Column by Tributary Area Method and 3D Modelling by ETABS. Journal of Structural Engineering, its Applications and Analysis. 5(3), 1-6, 2022. 

3. M. Shahinuzzaman, M.G. Rabbi, Plastic Waste Bottle in Mortar Block for River Bank Protection Work. Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application. 5(3), 1-6, 2022. 


1. M.M.A. Moon, M.F. Rahman, M. Kamruzzaman, J. Hossain, A.B.M. Ismail, Unveiling the prospect of a novel chemical route for synthesizing solution-processed CdS/CdTe thin-film solar cells. Energy Reports 7, 1742–1756, 2021. (Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.) United Kingdom.

2. M.F. Rahman, M.M.A. Moon, M.H. Ali, S. Ahmmed, S. Tabassum, J. Hossain, A.B.M. Ismail, A systematic study of how annealing conditions lead to the application-based microstructural, crystallographic, morphological, and optical features of spin-coated CdS thin-films. Optical Materials 117, 111136, 2021. (Publisher: Elsevier B.V.) Netherlands.

3. J. Hossain, M.M.A. Moon, B.K. Mondal, M.A. Halim, Design guidelines for a highly efficient high-purity Germanium (HPGe)-based double-heterojunction solar cell. Optics and Laser Technology 143, 107306, 2021. (Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.) United Kingdom.


1. M.M.A. Moon, M.H. Ali, M.F. Rahman, J. Hossain, A.B.M. Ismail, Design and Simulation of FeSi2 Based Novel Heterojunction Solar Cells for Harnessing Visible and Near‐Infrared Light. Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science 217(6), 1900921, 2020. (Publisher: Wiley-VCH) Germany.

2. M.M.A. Moon, M.H. Ali, M.F. Rahman, A. Kuddus, J. Hossain, A.B.M. Ismail, Investigation of thin-film p-BaSi2/n-CdS heterostructure towards semiconducting silicide based high-efficiency solar cell. Physica Scripta 95(3), 035506, 2020. (Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.) United Kingdom.

3. S.R.I. Biplab, M.H. Ali, M.M.A. Moon, M.F. Pervez, M.F. Rahman, J. Hossain, Performance enhancement of CIGS-based solar cells by incorporating an ultrathin BaSi2 BSF layer. Journal of Computational Electronics 19(1), 342–352, 2020. (Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media) United States.

4. M.F. Rahman, J. Hossain, A. Kuddus, M.M.A. Moon, A.B.M. Ismail, Effect of Triton X-100 surfactant on thiol-amine cosolvents assisted facile synthesized CdS thin films on glass substrate by spin coating method. SN Applied Sciences 2, 590, 2020. (Publisher: Springer Nature) Switzerland.

5. J. Hossain, M. Rahman, M.M.A. Moon, B.K. Mondal, M.F. Rahman, M.H.K. Rubel, Guidelines for a highly efficient CuI/n-Si heterojunction solar cell. Engineering Research Express 2(4), 045019, 2020. (Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.) United Kingdom.


1. M.M.A. Moon, M.F. Rahman, J. Hossain, A.B.M. Ismail, Comparative Study of the Second-Generation a-Si:H, CdTe, and CIGS Thin-Film Solar Cells. Advanced Materials Research 1154, 102–111, 2019. (Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.) Switzerland.

2. M.H. Ali, M.M.A. Moon, M.M. Rana, and N. Siddequa, Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of Nb-Doped β-V2O5 by First-Principles Calculation. Materials Research Express 6(11), 116309, 2019. (Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.), United Kingdom.

3. M.H. Ali, M.M.A. Moon, M.F. Rahman, Study of ultra-thin CdTe/CdS heterostructure solar cell purveying open-circuit voltage ~1.2V. Materials Research Express 6(9), 095515, 2019. (Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.) United Kingdom.

4. M.G. Rabbi, Investigation the Effect of Brick Partition Wall on Building Frame. International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering. 2019. 


1. M.M.A. Moon, M.F. Rahman, A.B.M. Ismail, Optimization of active region thickness of CdTe/CdS Thin Film Superstrate Solar Cell to achieve ~25% efficiency: A simulation approach. IEEEXplore, INSPEC accession No. 18113372, pp. 1-4, 2018. (Publisher: IEEE) United States.

2. M.M.U. Rashid, M.A. Habib, M.M. Hasan, Design and Construction of the Solar Photovoltaic Simulation System with the Implementation of MPPT and Boost Converter using MATLAB/Simulink. Asian Journal of Current Research. 3(1), 27-36, 2018.

3. M.M. Rahman, M.A. Habib, M.M.U. Rashid, M.M. Hasan, Study and Analysis of Hybrid Energy Options for Electricity Production in Rangpur, Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Current Research. 3(1), 9-14, 2018.


International Conference Presentation (Peer-reviewed Paper)

1. M.M.A. Moon, M.F. Rahman, A.B.M. Ismail, “Optimization of active region thickness of CdTe/CdS Thin Film Superstrate Solar Cell to achieve ~25% efficiency: A simulation approach”, Presented at “2018 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials & Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2)”, Feb. 8-9, 2018, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh. Technical co-sponsor: IEEE, BD Section.

National Seminar Presentation as an Invited Speaker

1. M.M.A. Moon, “Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development: Current Status and Future Prospect of Solar Energy in the Context of Bangladesh”, Presented at the Seminar on the “Development of Sustainable and Renewable Energy in Bangladesh”, Dec. 5, 2021, Virtual Class Room, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Rangpur 5400, Bangladesh. Technical co-sponsor: BEPRC.


1. M.M.A. Moon, “Prospect of Iron- and Barium- disilicides for High-efficiency Novel Heterojunction 3G Solar Cells Towards A Better Sustainable Energy Strategy,” 2020. Master's Thesis.

2. S.R.I. Biplab, “Study of CIGS-based solar cells with BaSi2 BSF and Cd-free buffer layers towards an efficiency of ≈31%,” 2020. Master's Thesis.

3. M.M.U. Rashid, “Design and Economic Analysis of Low Energy/Green Building in Rangpur, Bangladesh,” 2020. Master's Thesis.


Thank you for visiting our research and publication page.  Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries or collaborations.