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Price Calculation

Generating Instant Quote for Desired Service

You can upload your document for automatic word count calculation or manually enter the word count now and attach the document later on the Checkout page. Initially, standard service time and price are displayed based on the service and word count. You can then adjust time within a range, and the updated price appears. It is quite possible that the system-perceived word count may differ from file word count. This variance arises from using algorithms other than your word count method, such as the file's built-in system. In the event of such a discrepancy, we strongly recommend manually adjusting the word count in the input box to avoid future issues.

Bachelor's/Master's Thesis Proofreading

Allowed file extensions: .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf

File upload complete! Word count, service time, and price are...
Word Count
Time (Days)
Price (BDT)