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Available Fixed-priced Services
# Service Code Service Name STATa Priceb Action
1 RED004-RCLF Editing Cover Letter for Journal/Conference Editor/Publisher 1 Day 800.00 Add To Cart
2 RED005-RPAF Abstract Editing 2 Days 1,600.00 Add To Cart
3 RPC001-RRPF Research/Review Paper Plagiarism Check (Originality Assessment) 1 Day 4,000.00 Add To Cart
4 RPC002-RFPF Research/Fund/Grant Proposal Plagiarism Check (Originality Assessment) 1 Day 3,800.00 Add To Cart
5 RWR001-RCLF Writing Cover Letter for Journal/Conference Editor/Publisher 1 Day 1,000.00 Add To Cart
6 RWR002-RPAF Abstract Writing 2 Days 2,000.00 Add To Cart
7 RWR003-RPHF Research Highlights Writing 2 Days 1,500.00 Add To Cart
8 RTS001-RRPF Research Paper Typesetting for Your Desired Journal 2 Days 4,000.00 Add To Cart
9 RFM001-RRLF Formatting References (Low: Less than 20) 1 Day 500.00 Add To Cart
10 RFM002-RRMF Formatting References (Moderate: 20-50) 1 Day 1,000.00 Add To Cart
11 RFM003-RRHF Formatting References (High: 51-100) 1 Day 1,500.00 Add To Cart
12 RFM004-RRVF Formatting References (Very high: 101-150) 1 Day 2,000.00 Add To Cart
13 RPS001-JRNF Journal Recommendation 1 Day 1,500.00 Add To Cart
14 RPS002-SUBF Paper Submission to Your Desired Journal 2 Days 3,500.00 Add To Cart
15 LWR009-CTVF Writing a Cover Letter for a Tourist Visa 3 Days 4,500.00 Add To Cart

aSTAT stands for Standard Turnaround Time, indicating the average or expected time to complete a service after confirming an order.

bAll prices are in Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). Upon adding the service to the Shopping Cart, any discounts, VATs, or additional fees may be applied there.

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Accepted payment methods include Visa Card, MasterCard, Amex, UnionPay, Nexus, bKash, Nagad, Rocket, Qcash, SureCash, OK Wallet, Tap, Upay. No virtual or prepaid card is allowed to avoid fraudulent activities!